Tuesday, November 4, 2014



India calls for international action to strengthen nuclear security


"Mr. Singh stressed the crucial role nuclear energy plays in achieving
the objectives of India’s sustainable economic growth."

If he is referring to the use of energy from the sun, wasted at present
he is right. As far as fission nukes go, he is far off the mark, even for
other man-made nukes he is saying which are still in the priliminary research
stages. The n-wastes for a 1 GW nuke fission  reactor require for their storage,
steel containers and maintenance for a million to a 100 million years,
6 million MW-y to 600 million MW-y of thermal energy while such a capacity nuke for
10000 reactor years produces only 6 million MW-y of electrical energy! So there is
absolutely no net output to society from such nukes. The only crucial role nukes play
in modern civilization(MC) is in MC's own destruction, referring to the fact of its
unacceptable safety features.There are a number of other grave self destructive
generic design features of nukes which can never be pretested like whether a loss of
coolant accident will be averted as hopefully expected.The khudkushi of MC does
not stop at this.Other parts of MC vie with one another to commit suicide as well as
deliver a shocking blow to nukes like the world's dams which by a nuclear effect
caused many a nuke catastrophe: the waste storage explosion and release of radioactive
plume at Kyshtym(1957),Windscale Fire(1957), the Three Mile Island 58% coremelt(1979),
Chernobyl coremelt(1986) and plume of radionuclides, the Narora Fire(1993),the
2004 Andaman-Sumatra Bay great earthquake and tsunami,Kashiwasaki Kariwa nuclear damage
and decommissioning(2007),The Fukushima explosions,triple core melt and  radioactivity
contamination and ongoing worldwide extinction process of 2011, the Kedarnath landslide
and floods(2013) the WIPP catastrophe(2013-14), the Hudhud cyclone(2014) which destroyed
Vishakapatnam and its defence bases and had the potential to melt Kovvada into many Kovas,
the Jammu Kashmir floods(2014), the Assam floods(2014) and many to come.
MC undoes life and so we must go normal and respect nature by harmonising with her.
Why there is the ready made sun waiting to unleash creativity sufficiently safely
150 million kilometers from the earth!  Instead by unleashing fission and the milllions
of terawatts powered surges of the world's dams on MC we are hurtling towards Pralaya.

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