Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fish Catch and Radioactivity

Fish Catch and Radioactivity
R. Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E(Power), Negentropist,Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.
9th April 2008.
Copyright © 2014-2019 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

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Sternglass(1971) showed the adverse effects of radioactivity on ocean fish reproduction. Fish catch has been affected adversely since by radioactive pollution. Fish Catch per unit “dose” of radioactivity(Source point measurements and equivalent human doses) negatively correlates with radioactivity in a log-log correlation. Percent Fish catch significantly correlates with certainty with Total Percent Radioactivity.This significant finding has been established for the Eastern Pacific Ocean Catch( all species for which data is available) and of the Southern Oceans(Bluefin tuna) during the period 1952 to 2004 or 1960 to 2006. The reader is taken through a series of graphs for the various species and the total catch. Radioactivity is a common antecedent factor for all the fish examined. Each of the species without exception displays similar behaviour in the presence of radioactivity. Further, when the radioactivity reduces the catch increases, if not overexploited or are not sick with radioactivity contamination.What predominates- radioactive reconcentration or overexploitation?
A study of Dugong Catch data for Queensland, Australia shows a similar trend for Dugongs: %Catch per Unit Total % Radioactive Dose declines with radioactivity for 1962-1999.
The conclusions are drawn on the basis of the precautionary principle and the fundamental principles governing scientific investigations(R. Ashok Kumar 2008). None of the UN publications on Fish Catch or Dugong decline cited ever mention the utterly plausible radioactive internal contamination. The log-log regression of Eastern Pacific Ocean(EPO) Bluefish tuna closely matches that for Dugongs for Catch/Unit Radioactivity Dose(tuna: y = -0.6052x +0.7601,R^2=0.3796; Correl r = -0.616,p = 5.16E-6; Dugongs: y = -0.5817x +0.634; R^2= 0.308; Correl r = -0.555, p = 0.0003). The log-log regression of Total fish catch for EPO has more negative slope than the logarithmic regression for Dugongs: -1.093 vs –1.076. Thus Dugongs are declining at a rate comparable to that for fish in the study groups(Figure 52).
Keywords: Biological reconcentration, radioactive internal contamination, fish catch, fish stock depletion, species extinction.
Fish Catch and Dugong Catch declines are comparable(Figure 52):

The Case of Dugongs.
The Dugong population is declining . See Figure 48.

The decline significantly also correlates with total % radioactivity logarithmically:

Each species of fish caught in the EPO has similar regression with radioactive pollution because of the phenomenon of biological reconcentration. See the figures displayed after the section on references.
End of fish is sighted!
Already as an omnicidal factor there are no sparrows to be seen in Mysore!
Dedicated to the memory of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.
See the following more than one and a half hour long film on how nuclear wastes are being handled:
Or this:
And this:
These films makes it clear why the fish die off is being observed the world over .
And this arrogant assertion about the Finnish N -Waste disposal:

Also Ref 1a is narrating how ignorance in action is so irreversibly omnicidal.
Whale Song:
(Courtesy Jebus avatar in enenews 2013 Dec 5.

1.Majkowski J.2007.Global Fisheries Resources for Tuna and tuna like Species. FAO. Rome. Southern Ocean Bluefin tuna by stock
2.Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.2007.July.Estimated total catch (metric tons) by year, species, flag, and gear from the eastern Pacific Ocean.1960-2006.
3.UNSCEAR 2000. Data for Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Tests adult ingest+inhale dose: 1945-2005.
4. UNSCEAR 2000. Data for Sr-90 Liquid Discharge from Sellafield Reprocessing Facility:1970-2005.
5. OSPAR Commission of the British Nuclear Group and Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority.2006.Releases of Technetium-99 to the Irish sea from Sellafield,1952-2005.
6.Fallout and Reproduction of Ocean Fish Populations E.J. Sternglass,
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine,
University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. 8oct71

7. Marsh et al. 2005. Ecological applications. 2005.15(2). pp481-492. Figure 2.
8.R. Ashok Kumar. 2008. Stop nuclear energy Programmes.

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