Monday, March 11, 2024

An analysis of the ground happenings due to the world's dams at the PFBR site at Kalpakkam


The Characteristics of Attacks by World Dam Dynamics on PROTOTYPE Fast Breeder Reactor at Kalpakkam.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E., Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007. 

Copyright © 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

Figure 1: The world setting of the PROTOTYPE fast breeder reactor at Kalpakkam. A credible scenario of an attack by the World’s dams on the Fast Breeder


Figure 2: Location of the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor at Kalpakkam.

Figure 3: Anatomy of the hit by World Dam Dynamics on the PFBR at Kalpakkam:




1.0 What happens when World dam dynamics were to attack the Prototype FBR at Kalpakkam during the period from February 28 2024 to March 6 2024?

1.1 A total of 1957 dam content changes corresponding to all 1957 earthquakes recorded at USGS during the period were computed from worldwide earthquake proxy. For each dam content change at any instant due to all dams worldwide, the suddenly applied pressure, force and water moment were determined. Using these data the suddenly applied temperature inputs, the acceleration of the plant to the forces applied were computed. Ten temperatures measured a million degrees Kelvin or more(twice the core temperature of the sun of 15 million degrees Kelvin was exceeded during this short period) and 55 temperatures were hundred thousand degrees Kelvin or more. 

1.2 The total picture including the averages for the sudden input temperatures and for the accelerations suddenly induced in the reactor body is as follows:

The average shock input temperature occurring every 5 minutes is 15 times more than the melting point of uranium oxide in MOX and way above that of plutonium oxide(See section 2 below).

1.3 The Kalpakkam area is hot with the soil radiating heat as shown by the picture (Figure 4) for the Fires in the region from FIRMS Fire Map of NASA for 9 March 2024:

Figure 4: The Soutjheast Indian peninsula is burning hot on 9 March 2024 as well on the subsequent days.

2.0 The gradients of dam content change totally worldwide at any instant is an indication of risk of developing critical masses of plutonium within the reactor station envelope.

2.1 Study the following table as the earthquake location changes from place to place through the process of World Dam Dynamics:

2.2 Study the following excerpt from (1):

“…the melting points and boiling points of plutonium and uranium oxides are not the same. The MP of plutonium oxide in MOX is 2701 degrees C but that of the Uranium oxide is 3120 degrees C (Popov et al 2000). Therefore when a mixture of these boils, there will be fractional distillation of the plutonium oxide, separation of the mixture, just as happens with alcohol distillation from alcohol water mixtures or the fractional distillation of crude oil. Thus plutonium will become concentrated in the vapour and in the nearest cooler areas w(h)ere the vapour condenses. This would inevitably lead to a nuclear explosion when the concentration of plutonium exceeded the critical level for chain reaction. It is not only in MOX fuel that plutonium exists in nuclear reactors. It is produced as a result of the neutron irradiation of uranium fuel. […]” End of Quote.

From Table 2 it is seen that within a second the melting points of uranium and plutonium are reached posing the risk of criticality of deposited plutonium.

2.3 How many potential critical mass risk instances are observed during the period under study?

A total of 127 dam content changes worldwide caused the PFBR reactor shock input temperatures to be between 7000 K and 43 million degrees K. This is 6.5% of the 1957 numbers of  dam content changes observed during the period from 28 Feb 2024 to 6 Mar 2024.


3. References.



Monday, June 13, 2016


Re: US firm, NPCIL to set up 6 nuclear reactors in India
Agreement on setting up the reactors to be the major outcome of PM Modi's scheduled US visit.

As a nuclear energy program progresses, the energy and the emergy consumed by the construction shows that the energy delivered to society outside the nuclear program is negative. That is the program goes on demanding energy from year to year and even after thirty years no net energy is given to society outside the nuclear industry. The demands are met by thermal and hydro energy. The hydro energy is also required during normal reactor operations because nuclear reactors supply only fixed base loads as nuclear generation cannot be varied from instant to instant and the variations must be met by dams. But these changes in reservoir contents add up from one moment to another to huge total change which appears at the centre of gravity of the reservoir contents behind the world's dams. These huge changes exert bending water moment surges ALL ROUND THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF THE WATER MASSES at many many points of the earth. Fortuitously this results in an earthquake at a particular point at a particular time and the whole water moment change is felt at this point for a fleeting moment which may be milliseconds to seconds. The dynamics makes the dam surges travel from one earthquake point to another. During this process the full surge would be felt at a fortuitous location on the earth, which may happen to be a nuclear reactor as it happened at Fukushima, which is breeding extinction through the three melted reactor cores deep inside the earth/ groundwaters by exposing its fissioned radionuclides to the biosphere. Similarly the bending moments of dam contents are causing direct heating up of the earth resulting in cloudbursts, flash floods, landslides every hydrological cycle causing climate change! Its not just the greenhouse gases! Kakrapar came several times near this because of the crippling blows delivered by the dam surges and publicity about this and about similar blows to Kudankulam made the citizens at Mithi Virdi in Gujarat force the government to build a hasty retreat from locating nukes there,that is, from Gujarat to Andhra Pradesh- to Srikakulam which however experienced a deadly cyclone last year! Moorkhapaddhati!

Friday, May 20, 2016

enenews has this about Fukushima: 20 May 2016


Expert: Billions of pieces Fukushima nuclear fuel have spread pretty much everywhere — “It’s truly frightening… wherever there’s cesium, there’s plutonium” — Atomic bomb had one pound of uranium… Fukushima had hundreds of tons — TV: “Abundant quantities” of plutonium are being found (VIDEO)

122 comments to Expert: Billions of pieces Fukushima nuclear fuel have spread pretty much everywhere — “It’s truly frightening… wherever there’s cesium, there’s plutonium” — Atomic bomb had one pound of uranium… Fukushima had hundreds of tons — TV: “Abundant quantities” of plutonium are being found (VIDEO)