Friday, May 20, 2016
enenews has this about Fukushima: 20 May 2016
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A ten millionth of a gram of plutonium dust inhaled killed every mammal ever exposed in testing done by the DOE. Some mammals died within 5 years. Some died in 10 years or longer. They all perished from various cancers; liver, bone and lung cancers being the most common types of cancers caused by plutonium exposure. Just a ten millionth of a gram is lethal. If we assume there was 100 tons of nuclear fuels that vaporized at Fuku and 10% of the fuels was plutonium then that's 10 tons that has been spread around the environment. 10 tons x 2000 lbs x 16 oz x 28 grams x 10,000,000 = 8,960,000,000,000,000 lethal doses of plutonium just from the explosions and fires at Fukushima. That's not even counting the water transported plutonium contamination, which still continues to this day. Plus we know from continuous iodine 131 detection that fission criticalities are still occurring so that means ever more plutonium production is going on.
Considering the reactor 3 MOX dirty bomb explosion and the reactor 4 sfp fires I'd say this is a conservative estimate of how much plutonium was blown up into the air as smoke or particles.
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There aren't enough zeros to define how many lethal doses of Plutonium are out there in the biosphere.
Let's not forget the 90% that is Enriched Uranium. It kills, too, for billions of years. Plutonium is just a 'hair' faster.
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Ban Reactors Forever
Clean up the death wastes
Death sentences for nuker criminals
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That's the reality.
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Compare this article to the Safecast one about Fukushima; quite a difference, eh?
Which is is reality, and which one is fiction?
And which one would most people choose to believe?
How many people are in denial about reality around Fukushima?
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Do the masses even know about Japan? I've asked, most dont have a clue. At least down here. Seems like we are in an 'age of whiners'..folks designed to be self-absorbed. And helpless.
Remember the image of a well-to-do women screaming on the news that the Feds "had better do something" because they had no clean water..ect. This was Super Storm Sandy. They were told to leave.
And the BP fiasco. I witnessed people swimming in a gulf of dead sealife. You could smell the oil.. the Corexit. Didn't matter. They went to the boardwalks to "see". Inhaling lethal doses of stupidity.
I sheltered in place for 6 months, Hepa purifiers in each room. Plus tons of prep. Had to leave for awhile.
As for Japan, we understand that the containment structure spared us a whopping dose. At least initially. For that I am at least grateful. Chernobyl, with no containment, well, that shit scattered instantly to the 4 winds..
The Nazi Nukists knows that Tokyo was heavy dosed, as was the rest of Japan. Are the people unaware? Clueless? Do they watch each other die? Like we do.
That's about it. Back to life in OZ..
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Hello. Most reactors have containment, some don't, or didn't. In an 'accident' scenario, containment is key in dispersal. How high or low, ect. I've posted some in a reply to ISPC down below.
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Nuclear: We fail at containing anything…even the truth at times.
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See ya..
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There is NO CONTAINMENT OF ANYTHING AT FUKUSHIMA!!! Note Arnie Gunderson's tests which show conclusively that every soil sample he took in Tokyo would be classified as NUCLEAR WASTE in the USA
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BanReactorsForever: "We want the truth!"
I don't. Not any more. Just saying. Meh.
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Excellent.. just friggin excellent.
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Abstract. The biotic crisis overtaking our planet is likely to precipitate a major extinction of species. That much is well known. Not so well known but probably more significant in the long term is that the crisis will surely disrupt and deplete certain basic processes of evolution, with consequences likely to persist for millions of years.
Distinctive features of future evolution could include a homogenization of biotas, a proliferation of opportunistic species, a pest-and-weed ecology, an outburst of speciation among taxa that prosper in human-dominated ecosystems, a decline of biodisparity, an end to the speciation of large vertebrates, the depletion of “evolutionary powerhouses” in the tropics, and unpredictable emergent novelties.
Despite this likelihood, we have only a rudimentary understanding of how we are altering the evolutionary future. As a result of our ignorance, conservation policies fail to reflect long-term evolutionary aspects of biodiversity loss.
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"Death is one thing, an end to birth is something else."
In other words, impending extinctions will be far from the full final outcome of current environmental disruption. At least as important will be the alteration of evolutionary process, and for a period that is difficult to estimate but must surely measure in millions of years.
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'Evidence proves that it is mutants which are fit to survive that lead to new species'
Few realize that there are not the series of graduated steps from one species to another, but rather the sudden appearance of new species.
Mutation in the chromosome or its components (DNA, RNA, proteins, etc.) is the primary source of producing new species. Survival of the fittest merely plays a minor, at best, secondary role.
The evolution of RNA played a very important role in the earliest history of life. For one, genetic variation can be introduced as the result of mutation and RNA makes the mutation workable (RNA-catalyzed
The chromosome can bypass any assault on its integrity by repairing, reconstructing, substituting, improving and innovating its own molecular environment.
The chromosome can alter the gene's action, leading genetic pathways into new functional alleys, and hence, new creatures.
Ionizing Radiation and Evolution
Ionizing radiation, in the form of x-rays, gamma-rays and neutrons, is the most effective mutagen, as has been seen by its effects on DNA.
As a consequence, the radiation induced structural alteration of DNA molecules will alter genetic expression, producing new species.
A brilliant read.. a grotesque future
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We will never see up-to-date Infant Mortality Charts. Never.
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Geezus Cripes. Certainly this is true.
For some time I have been noticing a terrifying uptick, not only in idiocy, but in retardation, i. e. Autism. I moved from Utah, not only due to pollution, but my kid was scared of all the brain damaged kids. Their Mothers proudly displaying all the freshly post-op brain surgeries.
And why are all the kids screaming? Anybody see this? Mostly younger ones. And why are people going bald?
And why…And why….
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For craniosynostosis??
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Dream well ..Enenews.
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How many kids did I know with obvious autistic symptoms back in the late 40s and 50s when I was growing up? None. How many families had a child who was so out of control that he or she had to be institutionalized? None that I know of, and I didn't hear adults whispering about any such scandal. There were kids who were definitely oddball and some displaying delinquent behavior, but blatantly autistic like what is rampant these days? Can't recall seeing that or hearing about it.
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Again, it's algae! Food for thought…
Deadly Brain Disease Is Driving Swamp Birds Insane
A mysterious disease has been killing ducks and eagles in Florida’s wetlands, and endangered snail kites may be its next victims.
2016 Indian River Lagoon – Florida Fish Kill Seafood Die-Off & Fukushima Radiation
Not just us, every living creature…
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Radioactive Waste Grade Soil found in Tokyo – Arnie Gundersen
Published on Mar 25, 2012
Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US
"While traveling in Japan several weeks ago, Fairewinds' Arnie Gundersen took soil samples in Tokyo public parks, playgrounds, and rooftop gardens. All the samples would be considered nuclear waste if found here in the US. This level of contamination is currently being discovered throughout Japan. At the US NRC Regulatory Information Conference in Washington, DC March 13 to March 15, the NRC's Chairman, Dr. Gregory Jaczko emphasized his concern that the NRC and the nuclear industry presently do not consider the costs of mass evacuations and radioactive contamination in their cost benefit analysis used to license nuclear power plants. Furthermore, Fairewinds believes that evacuation costs near a US nuclear plant could easily exceed one trillion dollars and contaminated land would be uninhabitable for generations."
I was traumatized while watching Arnie scoop up radioactive particles from the parks and gardens of Tokyo; to find it qualified as radioactive waste.
Who would not be traumatized by this knowledge?
Poor Arnie.
I think Meditation helps with this….
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Comparing Chernobyl dispersal to Fukushima has led me to research concerning containment structures. Fuku's structure led to significant lower ground/atmospheric release which would have saturated Japan.
In time, continuing significant releases would accumulate in upper atmosphere. That's not to say initial release didn't go 'up', it did, but containment caused a more 'ground type' dispersion.
Chernobyl lack of containment probably saved Moscow.
Any help in this containment arena would be welcome.
Containment Structures.
High pressure expulsion of molten core debris from the reactor pressure vessel may result in dispersal of the debris from the reactor cavity. In most plants, the cavity exits into the containment such that the debris impinges on structures. Retention of the debris on the structures may affect the further transport of the debris throughout the containment.
DOE: The influence of selected containment structures on debris dispersal and transport following high pressure melt ejection from the reactor vessel
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Regardless of exactly what detonated, some of these photos depict results upon the buildings of an explosive force powerful enough to propel fuel rod particles 500 km.
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Even with its sarcophagus, Chernobyl leeches to the environment because it is not airtight. That is why the rush in building another sarcophagus that is airtight.
Daiichi still has no containment at three of the blown out reactor buildings. Probably never will unless you consider groundwater containment as opposed to the melts being in open air like Chernobyl.
Melted radioactive slag ejection is not the same as radioactive materials vaporizing (atomizing). Without knowing how much of the cores at Chernobyl and Daiichi vaporized, it is hard to figure how much radioactivity escaped the buildings when ruined containment(s) is only a hindrance to venting. Remaining radioactive dust is another worry as the building degrades.
Caldicott claims the energy of 1,000 Hiroshima type bombs are in a Mark 1 reactor core. Now Arnie claim 500 bombs but does not say what type of bombs are represented in a reactor core. Disputed claims of 50% of the core at Chernobyl has gone missing, no estimates for Daiichi since they can't find the melted cores so calculations seems futile. The radioactive ash fall on the USS Reagan flotilla after Unit 3's explosion is pretty much ignored but all agree that spent fuel contains more daughter products than a working nuke core.
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"A Hawaii boy battling deadly brain cancer recently received news that he’d receive an honor he’s dreamt of during his short three years of life.
Trucker Dukes, 3, was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma in November, and has always looked up to firefighters as his father is one, Fox 29 reported.
Although the little boy is from Maui, Hawaii, he’s receiving treatment in New York— about 5,000 miles away from home— where he has befriended firefighters at the Fire Department City of New York (FDNY). He recently met Captain Jim Grismer during a call at the Ronald McDonald House, where Trucker had been staying."
One of billions.
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May 19, 2016 at 14:20 JST
"On Feb. 19, 2015, an outside information security firm notified the center, “Your server is being used as a relay point in a cyber-attack that is sending high volumes of data to an outside target.”
The center changed the settings on its server the following day to prevent further infiltration attempts. The security company did not reveal the target of the cyber-attack."
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What IS this??
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Well, it can't be good. Lightning of various colors is caused by particles in the air. If lightening appears colors..must be heavy 'something'..
Pic speaks volumes..good catch
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Hint; rhymes with gnostics
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Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi breaks down in tears at a May 17 news conference in Carlsbad, California, after talking about what U.S. veterans who took part in Operation Tomodachi have endured. (Ari Hirayama)
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At a news conference here on May 17, Koizumi said: "U.S. military personnel who did their utmost in providing relief are now suffering from serious illnesses. We cannot ignore the situation."
Apparently overcome with emotion, Koizumi started crying, but went on and said, "Proponents and opponents of nuclear energy must think together about what can be done."
Koizumi, in power between 2001 and 2006, became a vocal opponent of nuclear energy after the triple meltdown at the Fukushima plant caused by the magnitude-9.0 earthquake and tsunami.
During the news conference, Koizumi also touched upon the significance of the scheduled visit to Hiroshima by U.S. President Barack Obama next week.
"It will be important to see how that is tied into a reduction and eventual elimination of nuclear weapons," Koizumi said. "We should all work toward zero nuclear plants and develop other energy sources."
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"Manna fron Heaven! Food of the Gods!
Cosmic hashish! Return of The Blob!
Melted blackbirds! Dehydrated spiders!
Licorice dropped by Mystery Outsiders!
Airborne black pepper from factory processing!
Crumbling shoe soles – please stop obsessing!
That's radio-phobia and bad for the health!
J-Gov says – might be source of new wealth!
And if not, they'll decontaminate
by choosing low bidder!
No need to examinate
anything scary or radioactive -
it gets in the way of being pro-active!
Have kids sweep it up – make it school project!
Teachers can make sure none will object,
by bullying, shunning and humiliation!
Stay where you are with no compensation!
That's how it goes
in Subservient nation.
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Subservient Nation is where YOUR kids are,
wherever that is.
Don't think so ?
Look what's been done so far -
poisoned air, water, land and the food,
dumbed down curriculum, war for your good
prison for profit with content provision
by redefining what's law-abiding,
corporate persons, gangs in the hood,
financial gaming for all understood as OK
as long as 1% freedom remains, say
have you seen the latest sex-scandal
or big accident, the newest fandangle
to buy or to rent for no money down
because so many jobs somewhere else have been sent?
Need I continue? It's more or it's less,
with freedom of choice it's said we are blessed
but the choice gets defining in narrower bands
by vandals in charge of social control scams.
or-well Nov 2012
this and comment above used to fit within the former comment character limit.
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Or not.
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Posted on May 19, 2016
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"The latest edition of an annual report petitioned by the British government suggests that by 2050, superbugs will kill someone worldwide every three seconds if policy makers and advocacy groups don’t take action, the BBC reported."
I look at these stories and don't bat an eye. Who's going to be around in 2050 anyway?
Two years, tops, before it all hits the fan in the Northern Hemisphere, if Washington DC doesn't start WWIII by then.
And two years is being VERY optimistic…
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Time Is Short
August 22, 2014 at 7:30 pm · Reply
"Even confessing to being glad she will not be here to experience/witness the end result of Fuku on the west coast (USA)."
Most of us will never experience the end result of Fukushima. Ebola, now growing at an exponential rate, will waste most of us.
The latest epidemological projection is 99% worldwide in 15 months from a week ago. Medical systems will collapse well before we hit 50%.
The radiation has had three and a half years to wreck our immune systems (RAIDS) in North America and Japan. Add Ebola, and we're all screwed.
Hug your loved ones, and make peace with your Creator. It isn't long now.
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Heart~ Dog & Butterfly
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'Ebola Deaths Go Exponential; Nigeria Demands Experimental Drug From US, Saudi Death First In Arab World'
They created a 'Cordon sanitaire' and were able to stop the spread of Ebola before it broke loose to other continents, which they doubted they could do.
A major 'bullet' was dodged.
There is no 'Cordon sanitaire' to be found to stop the effects of Japanese radiological contamination. That point is very, very clear. There is no stopping the global jetstream, and our collective immune systems are getting wrecked. Mankind hasn't seen this kind of global mass animal die-off for millennia, and we're next.
I pray I'm wrong every day, but if we're around in two years we can chat some more.
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At 9:15 in – Kaltofen: The sample that we got came from Nagoya in Japan, its 460 kilometers from the accident site. That’s about 300 miles away.
At 10:00 in – Kaltofen: The particle we examined was a mixture of fission products from a nuclear reactor and nuclear fuels. We looked at materials like tellurium, radium-226, we saw cesium-134, and -137, cobalt-60, and a whole zoo of isotopes that probably you’ll never hear about on CNN […] 80% by weight of this particle was made up of pure reactor core materials.
Dust in the Wind.
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Radioactively‐contaminated environmental dusts can accumulate in indoor spaces, potentially causing significant radiation exposures to humans via inhalation, dermal contact, and ingestion… a micron‐scaled particle [had] activity greater than 1.0 PBq kg [1 Quadrillion Bq/kg]. The particle was collected from a home in Nagoya, Japan.
Nagoya is 460 km from the accident site… It contained both fission products and decay products of 238U… tellurium up to 48.0 %, cesium up to 15.6 %, rubidium up to 1.22 %, polonium up to 1.19 %, dysprosium up to 0.18 %, as well as trace amounts of Sn, lead, nickel, iron, and chromium… 226Ra, 134Cs, and 137Cs, 241Am, and 230Th [were] the most commonly detected gamma photon-emitting isotopes…
about 25 % of dusts sampled [were] autoradiographically positive for hot particles… the majority of these hot particles were 10 um [micrometers] or less in size, meaning that they were potentially inhalable… Radioactively‐hot particles on the respirable size range were routinely detected, with one as far as 460 km [285 miles] from the release site.
Very HOT Particles.
Very sad.
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Japanese youths stop eating fish. I guess they got the memo.
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Developing countries that don't test. Now who could that be?
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GPDB Announces a Purchase Agreement for One of the Largest U.S. Suppliers of Fresh Caught MSC Certified Seafood
Controlling the supply of seafood for millions of potential GPDB customers is a strategic necessity, afforded only through vertical integration. The average adult over 45 years old and living in the United States consumes seafood 3-4 times, monthly. Yet, because of the nuclear disasters in Japan and radioactive contamination spreading through the Pacific Ocean, vast species of fish and plant life are being adversely affected and are undesirable for human consumption. The best quality, wild caught seafood from the Atlantic and Caribbean is part of a well-managed sustainable but limited supply. This acquisition by GPDB is a critical move to ensure consistent access to popular high quality, sustainable-sourced seafood at the very best value for its customers.
And the world say's, please sirs, may I ave nother meltdown…
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Now if they can figure out how to get rid of the Corexit from the Caribbean fish…
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But I wonder if anyone would report if Guam disappeared?
All 7 crew members safe as B-52 crashes on Guam
The incident is under investigation. The Air Force is taking steps to mitigate any possible hydraulic oil and fuel contamination, said Capt. Ray Geoffroy, spokesman for Pacific Air Forces. The plane was taking off with a full load of fuel.
He said there was no danger to the community from any of the plane's weapons.–crashes-on-guam/article_a845dcd3-7ea9-5303-a7c8-530b445e8698.html
Kinda takes ones mind off of EgyptAir…
err… maybe… naw… what?
Asia Pivot… Spinning Peas…
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Think of poisons in the world as a wave, a tsunami as you will, that wash across and threw ecosystems. Sure, parts of the systems are resilient, but most are fragile, oxidative stress causing a tipping point and organisms to die.
Now go neuronal.
Ponder cellular and quantum disruptions in your brain pan.
It is really happening.
Don't, for a nano-second think otherwise.
Plutonium mimics iron.
Fatigue anyone?
Connect the dots.
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Aso sidestepped a question on whether Japan will delay the tax hike, repeating that there was no change to the government's plan to raise the tax unless a massive earthquake or a crisis of the scale of the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 hit Japan.
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Hibakusha: Obama apology nice, but priority is disarmament
Obama, who in 2009 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize partly for making nuclear nonproliferation a centerpiece of his agenda, will on May 27 become the first incumbent U.S. president to visit Hiroshima, site of the world's first atomic bombing on Aug. 6, 1945.
The city of Nagasaki was bombed three days later.
Obama's visit to Hiroshima, after he attends a meeting of Group of Seven (G-7) leaders in Tokyo, was hotly debated in the White House, with concern it would be criticized in the United States if it was seen as an apology.
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"In Fukushima, it has become a taboo to be afraid of contamination due to the nuclear accident or be concerned about radiation exposure. They are not supposed to be afraid as the country, the government and the researchers assure them it’s safe. Therefore, this project uses the word, boarding school, instead of evacuation, allowing for easier dissemination of information in Fukushima and less hesitant participation. "
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"Modern' man has changed the taboo to make digging up uranium very good, but talking about it, is now TABOO.
Got taboo?
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buy the book?
contemporary nature photographers of Japan. Notice the advancement of civilization provides them with protection against the environment. Thank you global fascist nuclear cartel!
autoradiographs compiled onto an app
Images show proof of why high specific activity isotopes and fallout nanoparticles dont fit the ICRP failed dose model. Point sources are created by nanoparticle, or biological sorting/bioabsorption. This is why people who look for gross becquerel counts will be deceived as to the danger of fallout.
didnt find plutonium…science cover up?
Guess you have to know where to look
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May 19, 2016
At the Goethe-Institut, a Pair of Photographic Studies on the Aftermath of Radiation
The Goethe's latest features the haunting post-nuclear photographs of Gabriela Bulisova and Robert Knoth.
As Barack Obama prepares to make the first presidential visit to Hiroshima, the Goethe-Institut has a limited but well-timed pair of photographic exhibits about the lasting legacy of radioactivity.
“Half-Lives and Half-Truths in the Radioactive Shadowlands” features the work of two photographers—Gabriela Bulisova, who documented the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear incident, and Robert Knoth, who photographed the more recent nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima, Japan.
In the Fukushima series, does a tree with bright yellow leaves amid ordinary forest greenery have an unusual color because of lingering contamination? And is the heavy mist that hangs over a pretty mountainscape an homage to countless works of Asian art, or the presence of a toxic miasma? With these documentary series, it’s wise not to bet on the former.
Maybe it could be called "Urban Exposure"…
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Bring it on.
Sick sailors meet with Japan's former prime minister Posted: May 17, 2016
SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) – The fallout from Japan's nuclear disaster has hit home as the former Japanese prime minister and U.S. Sailors file a lawsuit against Tokyo Electric Power Company.
In 2011, with more than 5,000 sailors on board, the San Diego-based USS Ronald Reagan was deployed to provide aid after a tsunami hit Japan and also set off meltdowns at a nuclear plant. The USS Reagan sailed through a nuclear plume and crews had to spend hours decontaminating the vessel.
Sailors now say they are suffering from radiation exposure.
Medical experts believe there is no direct connection between the radiation exposure and the illnesses presented by the sailors.
The Navy would not comment pending litigation, but a judge has ruled in favor of the sailors. TEPCO has filed an appeal with the 9th Circuit Court.
An expert is one who has given up on learning…
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Just like Chernobyl, just like Chernobyl, just like Chernobyl, but more, please…
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Sounds like a firm of lawyers…
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This is it!
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July 20, 2015
“The SL-1 burial ground in 2003, as taken from an EPA report published that year. Underneath the surface are what remains of the SL-1 nuclear reactor, the building that contained it, tons of contaminated soil and rock, and some of the remains of the only people killed by a reactor accident in the United States.
“There have been three nuclear power plant meltdowns that have captured worldwide attention and left the general public with the opinion that nuclear power is too dangerous to rely upon. The most dangerous have been the meltdowns at Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima in 2012, both of which have left large areas where no-one can live. Three Mile Island is the other name to conjure with, though it was considerably less disastrous than the other two (it rates a 5 on the INES scale of accident severity, while the other two are a 7). To this we can add the Windscale Fire, also a 5, which was covered in secrecy at the time but became a rallying point for opposition to nuclear power in Britain after it became known in later decades.
“There have been several other meltdowns and partial meltdowns besides these, few even as severe as Three Mile Island, and in many cases they occurred in the early days of nuclear power when reactors were experimental and so correspondingly more dangerous. Most were clear of fatalities, but the SL-1 meltdown in 1961 killed three people.
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????Murder-suicide??? They'd make up anything to be able to say that nuclear accidents have never killed anyone. Sadly, millions have died and billionf more will die because of nuclear technology.
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After news article and online threats, EPA cancels appearance at West Lake Landfill meeting
EPA, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers all canceled their plans to send representatives to the West Lake Landfill Community Advisory Group's meeting. The volunteer-run group holds these meetings about once a month so residents can ask the agencies questions about the landfill's remaining contamination.
"When they saw the threat, all three agencies said that's not acceptable. It's too great a risk," Carey said.
"It's too great a risk"
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Feds focus on railroads for moving nuke fuel
U.S. Department of Energy team evaluates county transportation infrastructure (ask Bernie)
VERNON—When it’s time to remove spent nuclear fuel from Vermont Yankee, it appears likely that will happen via rail — not trucks.
That was the takeaway last week for local officials and for plant administrators after meeting with a visiting team from the Department of Energy. That team was in town to begin planning for the eventual transport of 3,880 radioactive fuel assemblies stored at the Vernon plant.
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White House threatens veto, calls MOX program ‘past deadline, over budget’
President Barack Obama’s administration called the current version of the National Defense Authorization Act, including continued funding for the MOX project, an impedance to the administration’s national defense strategy Monday and threatened an eventual veto.
psst… we offshored that years ago and they send it back, with or without containers…
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"Probably nothing…"
Added more to
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Last week 45 year old worker was reported missing. Today they found the body of a 25 year old worker in the woods. Of course they claim murder. Something tells me something really bad is happening at the plant.
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As in… recriticalities having shifted gear, hydro-volcanic explosions in February, accompanied and followed by record venting since, to be seen in mainly "spikes amidst data gaps" and "curious detections" in the Northern Hemisphere? And bad enough for France to turn off their monitors in the Southern Hemisphere? Bad, as in, if they actually told the truth, it could the kind of panic that could crash the world economy?
Oh. Oops. Didn't realize the mic was on.
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In short plenty of assholes to fight, locally and abroad.
God Bless and Good Luck!
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I predict also, that about two centuries, or less from now, there will be about 500 million to 1 billion very subserviant, hard working, not so average Joes, laboring for about a million elites, in order to earn the right to remain on the planet, alive.
To be sure, while things look bad now,those of us whom will not be alive 50 years from now, should consider ourselves living in a golden age. Even discounting Fukushima, human existance is rapidly becoming an orwellion nightmare.Fukushima means that for all but a small elite,all hope is lost.
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My Grampa and Granma just got old…
There's the golden age gone.
Fifties it was over…
Our parents didn't know what hit them.
Baby boomers were born into the nuclear age.
Some invented radiology to fight the cancers…
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It becomes obviously apparent with crystal clarity when one just hangs up the phone with someone of equal age one has known all one's life and they are calling one from hospice care with a wierd fatal fungal infection in their lungs…
I'm out…